Cloudless night sky
Stars. A diamond studded bow
Along drifts a boat
The ship of dreams
She carries hope.
The land where dreams come true
Every night, she looks out of the window
And there one day flew a boy
A boy tall and pixie like
Red, she called him.
Her hand curved
Over the plane of the Dreamscape
As she leaned over the railing
To gaze into the depths
Of the fathomless ocean
Beneath the stars of old
The willows o' the wisps
Zipped and zoomed past
Sparkles in white
And blurry blue
Keira she called
I'm here, the sky replied.
Gaiety and faery folk
They twirl in dance
As the clock strikes nine
Tinkling laughter
Listen until you shut off
For the night.
Don't leave me
She cried to the heavens
The rainbow answered
Peeking from behind
The angst - clouded with anxiety
Dreams that had turned to nightmares.
Hope. Even nightmares do cease
Turn from rolling seas
To gentle breeze
Float with me
Rise above the beat
Sway like the trees.
Wind in the willows
Trees shrouded by the mist
A mystery to the dryads
Come to bathe in Float
A pond that swirls
Icy drifts engulf
See nothing but distress
'Til you rise above the ashes
And down like a nightingale
A phoenix born of water
Forged by ice
Hopes eternal flame.
This ode of dawn
Hark at it
Remember not
For you will
If time wills
She the boat
Gently floats
A second closer.
Don't fear, for she beckons
Like the mermaid of legends
The Helen of Troy
Yonder, beware.
Rise like the phoenix
Swoop like a nightingale
And the hurricane swirls behind
Ever ominous
In the dark night sky.
Author's Note:
Hi everyone! This is a short poem I wrote a long time ago, loosely inspired by Peter Pan and Neverland, as you might have already guessed. Enjoy :)